
Dev Blog

Paperless Post Tech Talks: Greg Borenstein

We’re happy to announce that this month we’ll be hosting a talk with the very talented technologist Greg Borenstein. You can check out Greg’s recent work at

Wednesday, March 28th at 7:00 PM

Paperless Post, 151 W. 25th St., 9th Floor, New York, NY

Space is limited and RSVP’s are required. Please RSVP here

04/18/2012 Update: Greg’s Slides are now online!

About Greg:

Greg Borenstein is an artist and teacher in New York. After years as a web developer and musician he quit to attend grad school at the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program where he is now a Resident Researcher. His artistic work explores the use of special effects as an artistic medium. He is fascinated by how special effects techniques cross the boundary between images and the physical objects that make them: miniatures, motion capture, 3D animation, animatronics, and digital fabrication. Greg is the author of Making Things See: 3D Vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and Makerbot, published by O’Reilly.

From Greg:

I’ll present a survey of some of my recent work with the Kinect and then talk about two active projects in my current research. The first project explores the use of face tracking and recognition to substitute for QR codes and other fiducial markers in computer vision applications. QR codes are ugly and unusable and replacing them with images of the human face offers a number of interesting design and interaction possibilities. Secondly I’ll talk about a new project I’m undertaking called Makematics. With the rise of 3D scanning, digital fabrication, and advanced computer graphics the field of creative coding requires more and more knowledge of mathematical fields such as linear algebra, differential equations, and topology. There are few resources available for competent programmers (let alone artists and designers) to learn the parts of these fields they increasingly need to do interesting and original work. I’ll talk about some ideas for how to improve this situation and why I think it’s important for the future of art and interactivity.

About Paperless Post Tech Talks

Paperless Post Tech Talks are our chance to bring developers and artists who we admire into our New York office to talk and share knowledge about their work with our team and the larger New York tech community. They are open to the public but RSVP is required as space is limited. There will be time to talk and mingle with the other attendees and the speakers over craft beer and snacks.
